Religious Education
St. Joseph Parish Religious Prep Education Ministry Goal
The goal of Saint Joseph’s Parish Religious Prep Education Program is to help our children foster a close and loving relationship with God in the tradition of the Catholic Church. We believe that growth in faith is a lifelong journey, undertaken in a faith community that includes their families, their classmates and catechists and the parish community, and guided by the Holy Spirit and includes their families their classmates and catechists, and the parish community. Parents are invited to join us in support of our program and guidelines.
, PREP REGISTRATION FORM Through the parish religious prep program, St. Joseph’s Church strives to help our children grow in their understanding of the faith and of God’s role in their lives. All children from first to eighth grade are welcome to sign up for classes and join in this faith sharing experience.
Preparation for the sacraments of First Penance, First Communion and Confirmation is an important part of the PREP program. First Penance and First Communion are conferred every year in the Spring, usually during Second grade. Confirmation is every other year in the Fall, typically during 7th and 8th grades and is next scheduled for Fall, 2023. In addition, children between the ages of 7 and 12 who have not yet been baptize can prepare for the sacrament of Baptism through the PREP program. All children must receive two full years of instruction before receiving any sacrament.
St. Joe’s prep program meets Sundays from mid September through early May, from 10:30 AM to 12 PM, in our school building. Parents must enroll their children in classes through registration. To obtain the form or if you have any questions, feel free to call the rectory at 215-646-0494 and ask for Director of Religious Education Suzanne Kuhn, or email
If classes are to be canceled for any reason, students will be notified by our PREP staff.
“No one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and spirit” (Jn 3:5) Baptisms are usually held on the Second Sunday of every month. Baptismal classes must be completed. Please contact the rectory for further information.
First Penance
Penance is experiencing God’s mercy first hand and through his forgiveness we are able to get closer to him and stay close to his truth and endless mercy. First Penance is celebrated before Lent.
First Communion
“I am the Bread that came down from heaven…unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you” (Jn 6:51,53). To Catholics this is the sacrament that is vital in entering the kingdom of God and achieving eternal life. First Communion takes place on the first Saturday in May.
“Sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Confirmation reminds us of the first Pentecost where the Holy Spirit descended upon Mary and the Apostles. Those who believe will be anointed with sacred Chrism and sealed with the Holy Spirit.
Marriage is a covenant between husband and wife that is a permanent union of love for each other and God. Contact the church office for availability. A wedding date for the church must be made at least 6 months prior to and arrangements made for marriage preparation classes. Please contact the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for a listing and dates for the Marriage Prep classes in the area.
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is administered to those who are suffering illness or approaching the final stages of their life. Those in need of this sacrament please call us at the parish office.
Holy Orders
Holy Orders is for those with the same call as the one first answered by the 12 apostles. Those consecrated are done so in Christ’s name “to feed the Church by the word and grace of God.” If you are someone you know is ready to respond to Christ divine intervention contact us or visit St. Charles Borromeo website.
Joesph the carpenter was the husband of Mary mother of Jesus. He was a caring and compassionate man who took on the roll of earthly father of Christ the Messiah.
St. Joseph is patron of our parish, the universal church, fathers, carpenters, social justice and happy deaths. His feast day is celebrated on March 19th and May 1.
Saint Joseph's Ambler
16 S. Spring Garden Street, Ambler PA 19002 (215 646-0494)
Liturgy Times
Tuesday - Friday: 6:30 AM
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM & 11 AM
Communion Service
Monday: 6:30 AM
6:30 PM and 12:05 PM