Many hands make light work. Whether it be setting up Christmas decorations or to help clean and maintain the sanctuary we are always in need of a lending hand. If you are interested in giving your time please contact the parish office.
Become part of the Mass. The mass is a sacred service where we interact with God. Make that interaction greater with getting involved in some of the following roles:
Altar Server
As Christ became a servant when washing the feet of his disciples come and serve at the table of sacrifice no matter your age.
Through the liturgy Christ is able to speak and instruct us. Readers become the voices of Christ as they deliever his sacred word.
Eucharistic Minister
Assists the priest in administering the sacraments of holy communion, the consecrated bread and wine. They may also take the sacraments to those who are ill, or otherwise unable to attend Mass.
Saint Joseph's Ambler
16 S. Spring Garden Street, Ambler PA 19002 (215 646-0494)
Liturgy Times
Tuesday - Friday: 6:30 AM
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM & 11 AM
Communion Service
Monday: 6:30 AM
6:30 PM and 12:05 PM